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Shipment schedule for SIGMA CINE LENS /i Technology-compatible PL mount lens in the FF High Speed Prime Line

SIGMA announces the shipment schedule for SIGMA CINE LENS /i Technology-compatible PL mount lens in the FF High Speed Prime Line.

Shipment schedule - February, 2020 
Product information

Optimized for large-format camera systems and 8K shooting, the FF High Speed Prime Line lenses deliver stunning image quality in compact construction. A new addition to this prime lens lineup comes with electronic contacts that supports Cooke’s /i Technology communication protocol for Art Prime PL mount lenses.
By using an /i Technology-compatible cine lens with a cine camera that supports the same protocol, users can see and record lens metadata such as focus distance, focal length, and aperture. This helps streamline compositing in the post production process. This is particularly suitable for the latest forms of filmmaking, such as VFX, that call for detailed shooting data.
Prototypes of this /i Technology-compatible FF High Speed Prime lens were used for shooting “Top Gun: Maverick”, scheduled to be released in 2020, showing that the new lens is already in commercial applications.

For SIGMA customers who has already purchased a SIGMA PL mount lens, Mount Conversion Service is available to convert the lenses to /i Technology-compatible PL mount.
In order to apply for the service, please contact your nearest authorized SIGMA subsidiary or distributor.

More about iTechnology conversion service

Please contact your nearest country representative regarding availability.

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