Firmware update for the SIGMA fp / SIGMA fp L (2021.10.21)
Thank you for purchasing and using our products.
We would like to announce that a new firmware update for the full-frame mirrorless cameras, SIGMA fp / SIGMA fp L is now available.
[Applicable products]
[Benefit of the update]
SIGMA fp:Ver.3.01
SIGMA fp L:Ver.1.11
・It corrects the phenomenon whereby image data taken during tethered shooting using the photo editing software "Capture One 21 (14.4.0)" released by Capture One A/S may sometimes corrupt when the image quality is set to DNG (RAW) on the camera.
To update the firmware, please refer to the following link:
SIGMA fp:https://www.sigma-global.com/en/cameras/fp/?tab=support&local=firmware
SIGMA fp L:https://www.sigma-global.com/en/cameras/fpl/?tab=support&local=firmware
For further information, please contact your local authorized SIGMA Service Station listed at the link below:
We appreciate your continued support for SIGMA products.